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Администратор: Лера Новикова,Аня Прокопьева
Модераторы: Лена Кулёмина.(Идёт набор!)
На нашей ролевой интересно, я Вас уверяю. Сейчас у нас идёт набор игроков, мы очень добры, и "золотых" анкет не требуем.

Срочно требуються.
Практически всё роли свободны.

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Вы здесь » Лера,Ранетки » Ранетки » Ранетки Зима

Ранетки Зима

Сообщений 1 страница 2 из 2


Кто виноват, что стало вдруг одиноко?
Кто виноват, что за окном холода?
Дождь снегом стал,и стали мы так далёки,
Виной тому она, она, она...

Зима, зима, зима, зима
Зима, зима, зима, зима.
Зима, зима, на-на-на-на зима
На-на-на зима.
Зима, зима, зима, зима.

Расстает снег и сразу сердце оттает,
Хоть с опозданьем, но приходит весна.
О том, что было, пусть никто не узнает,
Ну а пока она, она, она...



After such famous deepweb marketplaces like Alpha Bay and Dream Market seized to exist!
As for today title of the biggest deepnet marketplace for sure goes to Empire Market, the most famous market of the deepnet as it encloses CC and autoshop features, moreover best vendors have gathered there, who accept various types of cryptocurrencies – Monero; BTC; Litecoin and so on. Empire Market also has services like buying accounts, CVV; concerning buying weed – even your grandma will find out how to order it.
Nevertheless, those wealthy and fortunate deepnet markets are regularly incurring hacker raids due to cruel competition, managing markets’ URLS to fall out – that’s where mirror links are wanted.
As authorities are working hard against cybercrime, many of websites with onion mirror links directories were banned, as well as guides on how to access Darkweb.
Due to that, Empire market has established ordinary website, presenting Tor mirrors, in order to ensure their clients always visit legit mirrors, but not the phishing sites. Get the link of this webpage with working Empire Market onion links : http://empiremarket-link.com/
As you handle this webpage, no headache will occur again whenever you try to log in your favorite darkweb marketplace, for as much as Empire Market mirrors are always kept updated.
Why should you trust to any of the above URls? Simply the marketplace head himself made a post concerning this website on the forum at 12th September 2019!
Here you go!


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